
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lincoln's 5 & 6 Month Updates

5 Months-

Around the five month mark is where things started to get REALLY good with having a baby. I felt like we were finally in the groove, finally understood one another and I was finally doing something in my life right. Struggling with postpartum depression is and was no joke, and it may have made this whole mommy thing a little bit of a longer ride for me to adjust to, but I am finally here. And this is the point where I can say... I could have 100 more babies. Not that that's going to happen.... I do love the Duggars but that's just not really my jam.

At five months Lincoln started doing so much more. He is rolling all over the place. He smiles when you look at him. He is "talking" by saying basic sounds such as "b" "d" "m" and he recently discovered he can scream and he thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He loves his mommy but he definitely has a soft spot for his daddy. He has started to notice Gus more and more and makes attempts to grab at him. Gus still isn't feeling it and we're starting to worry that Gus may end up with my mom at some point. That would break our hearts but we also know that Gus loved loved loved being an only child and he needs to learn to adjust.

-Valentine's Day
-Riding forward in the stroller
-Riding forward in the carrier
-Swing ride

-Eating his socks
-Making noises
-Being carried so he can see anything and everything
-Bath time

-Being put down
-Going seconds without food from first initial cry

6 Months-

Six months has been my FAVORITE month of all so far. And my mama heart is breaking inside because I can't seem to understand how this time has gone by so quickly. I feel like I am still recovering from birth (jk jk jk) and now I have a SIX month old?!!?!? I remember when Darius and I used to look at all the clothes in his closet before he was born and gawk at the size of the 6-12 month clothes. And now here he is, at six months already wearing 6-9 month clothes. It's amazing. He has stolen my heart and he has completed my world. I have never ever loved someone like I love my Lincoln. He is my little Linky, my little piggy and life is just so beautiful with him here. I can have the shittiest day at work (which is so typical) and picking him up after a long day makes everything else melt away. No amount of middle of the night wake ups can take away the soft spot I have for him. And knowing that I am not the most patient person, I have even amazed myself with the patience and love I have for this little guy.

He is talking up a storm, sticking out his tongue and wanting to hold everything. Everything I have he wants. Everything he has goes in his mouth. Baby-proofing has finally become a topic of discussion and we have recently looked into selling some of our furniture with hard edges to replace it with things like ottomans and what not. We have also recently bought him some more toys, especially ones that are intricate or play music because he loves that stuff. He's so smart and loves trying to figure things out. He's just learning how to sit up on his own and can for a minute or two - it depends. Sometimes he flops right over and other times he can sit up for a couple of minutes. At exactly six months we made two huge changes! We moved Lincoln into his crib AND started giving him purees. The crib was magical and he has been sleeping so much better since making that move. I have no clue why, but it just works. The purees have been a little more challenging, he doesn't really like to concept of eating so far. He likes playing with the spoon but has quickly noticed that nothing tastes like the milk he normally gets. He did end up like carrots, but we recently tried peas and so far that is a huge NO.

Lincoln, you have made me such a better person in these past six months. I am a stronger, happier woman because of you. You teach me that things are just things and life is short but oh, so sweet. I want to give you the best life and teach you all of the important things. We love you so much!

-Pureed foods
-Sleeping in the crib
-Sitting up

-Hanging out in the high chair at dinner with us
-Going for walks
-Playing with musical toys
-Watching Dora (judge me - I dare you)

-Being left in his exersaucer for too long
-Being patient :)

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