Eeeekkkk! I am thrilled to have hit week 7! I know it may not be much, but each day is a milestone for me! My first prenatal appointment was yesterday and it went very well. I really like my doctor, the nurse and the ultrasound tech. I feel a sense of relief having met my doctors and that I LIKE them. Everyone's advice for me has been to be with a doctor that I trust and like... but we all know switching and finding doctors is a pain... so I am just thrilled to like mine. There are 4 in the practice, and I will see all of them over the course of my pregnancy. This is because any one of them could deliver if they are on duty. I am fine with that - to each their own.
I was sad, but not surprised, to find out that my pregnancy would be considered high-risk. This is due to my medical situation with my blood clotting that I talked about in my first post. My doctor wants me to see a Maternal Fetal Specialist to decide if I will need any certain medications, blood thinners, or even just a baby aspirin through my pregnancy. They do feel good about how things are looking so far, so that eased my nerves a bit. Although, let's be real, finding out I was high-risk led me to shut down pretty quickly, wanting to run to a corner and cry. I just continue to have faith in God that this will work out for us.
All in all, due to being high-risk they wanted to do an early ultrasound to just make sure everything was cooking okay in there ;) Darius and I went back at 4 o'clock to have our first ultrasound. The doctor had warned me in advance that we may not be able to hear a heartbeat with it being so early and not to panic, but I was panicking.
Little bean baby at 6 weeks 6 days |
We saw the little bitty bean baby and she captured some pictures. It was AMAZING. Then, without telling us, she played the heartbeat. And OH. MY. GOD. it was the MOST BEAUTIFUL sound I have ever heard in the entire world. I will never forget how amazing that sound was! Little bean had a heartbeat of 112bpm which the tech said was a strong heartbeat!
Just being super bloated with my blueberry - I think it's fat, not a bump lol
How far along? 7 weeks
clothes? Not yet- but I checked out a couple of stores for fun ;)
marks? Nope, and I plan to pick up some lotion soon, just for safe measure.
Sleep: Like a really bizarre dreams
moment(s) this week: Hearing that heartbeat and seeing that blueberry!
Anything? Having ACTUAL cravings and a real appetite.
Movement: None
cravings: I don't crave anything anymore. I have no appetite.
making you queasy or sick: Almost everything makes me nauseous, every once in a while I crave something random and after I eat it, I never want that thing again.
Gender: Thinking a boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Same old... sore breasts, nausea, tons of heartburn, loss of appetite, EXHAUSTION
Belly Button
in or out? In
rings on or off? On!
Happy or
Moody most of the time: I would say happy recently but who knows what Darius would say...
forward to: Going back in 2 weeks to get the most approximate due date!
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