
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Week 6 - Holy Morning Sickness

Okay, so I know previously I was very confused about which week I was on. But, I think I finally settled that little problem, and I am 90% sure today marks the beginning of week 6! I will update again once I have a confirmation from the doctor when I have my appointment on Friday.  Until then, let's just imagine we are in a happy little world where I am officially at 6 weeks!

Although today is just the FIRST day of week 6... I understand what all the pregnancy websites and blogs are talking about.  Week 6 is rough... for me.  I had read that morning sickness hits hard around the sixth week and this couldn't be more true for myself.  Yesterday (although that was only 5 weeks 6 days but let's get real) was the WORST morning sickness I have had so far.  And I didn't even vomit.  Which scares me for what possibly could come in the future.  Anyway- the nausea has hit hard.  It feels like a super intense hangover, minus all the "head" symptoms.  I feel like I am starving (because I am) but anything I THINK of eating makes me gag.  Then, when I do eat, I feel better for about 10 minutes and then I am either starving again or more nauseous.  The cycle repeats.... think of food, gag, eat, gag, repeat.  The mornings for me truly are the worst.  My morning sickness continues to last until between 1-2pm from the second I wake up.  Yesterday morning, I just curled up on the couch, didn't even have the desire to turn on the TV, pulled the pillow over my head and slept.  I slept for about 2 hours and then I woke up STARVING.  I ate some cereal and that made me feel better.  Since then, I have been doing okay.  Now I am in this consistent state of "I feel nauseous but nothing sounds good and if you mention food I may throw up on you."  People who believe in those old wives tales tell me they think it's a girl because of all the nausea, which is nice because so does my mom and aunt.  I don't know what I think.  My husband has been so obsessed with having a boy since we first started talking about having kids (like just in general conversation- not talking about trying to make one) that I think he's convinced me that it's a boy.  All we truly want is a happy, chunky, healthy little bean.

It's starting to get really difficult to not shout our happy news from the rooftop with every amazing day that continues to pass.  I truly want to wait until the end of my first trimester to officially announce the news, and Darius and I pray to God every day that we can continue to have this blessing.  Speaking of announcements, we are telling my dad tonight!  He is definitely one of the people who I want Darius there for.  This was the first opportunity I had to get my dad to come up and have Darius here, so we are looking forward to it.  We plan to give him the same boy/girl onesies that we gave my mom and just let him figure it out on his own.  I am trying to figure out a way to videotape it without being too obvious ;)

I will update with the reaction later but until then...

How far along? 6 weeks
Maternity clothes? No, but they're super fun to look at online! I am getting excited about it!
Stretch marks? No!
Sleep: Sleeping very well lately!  I'm not having any dreams that I can remember but I am getting about 8-9 hours so I feel pretty good.
Best moment(s) this week: Telling my dad and Theresa!
Miss Anything? Let's just be honest... Alcohol.
Movement: None
Food cravings: I WISH I was craving SOMETHING... oh wait, I have really wanted a Chick-Fil-A milkshake lately and that still sounds yummy...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Well just about every single thing in the world.
Gender: Counting down the weeks until we can find out!
Labor Signs: None!
Symptoms: Let the list begin: nausea, sore breasts, cramping, back ache, exhaustion, food name a few.
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I have been a good mix of both lately.  One minute I am just so happy and then one little event will set me off.

Looking forward to: Telling my dad and hopefully feeling normal sometime in the NEAR future.

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