
Monday, May 8, 2017

Lincoln 7 & 8 Month Updates

Hello out there! It's been a hot minute - and I feel like I am saying that every time I come back from a hiatus. I really do love blogging, and I genuinely LOVE to write - it's been a creative outlet for me for quite some time now... but life gets in the way. And every time I tell myself that I am going to sit down and blog sleep, or a long, hot shower sound better. But - I DO plan on making HUGE improvements to my blog in the next couple of months so be on the lookout for that if you are a follower!

Being a working mom has been giving me a run for my money. I have a shit commute to work which takes up a good portion of my morning and evening. It should only take me twenty minutes to get to and from work, when it reality it usually takes me 45-60 minutes each way. With that being said, I am typically home with Lincoln by 5pm. I then rush to make dinner, wash bottles, load dishwasher, prep diaper bag for the next day, eat dinner, feed Lincoln, bathe Lincoln (every other night -- or two), get Lincoln to bed and then FINALLY sit down. By then it's around 8pm (just like it is now) and I am exhausted. I am hoping that this summer gives me more blogging opportunities.

With all that being said... let's jump into what Mr. Lincoln was up to in month 7!

Rocking back and forth on his knees
Saying "mama" and "dada" but he doesn't know what they mean
Watching Gus
Shaking things and throwing toys
Eating socks and shoes... kinda like Gus.

Being overly sleepy
Not being fed immediately

Wake up, daycare, two naps at daycare about an hour or more each apparently, home, play, dinner, bath (every other night), book, boob, bed.

Around 7 months we went in for an appointment and he was 17 lbs, 9.5 oz! He's a big boy! He definitely has my mouth, lips and eyelashes, but his amazing sky blue eyes and expressions seem to be a lot of Darius!

-Rocking back and forth
-Scooting backwards
-Starting to get his first tooth!

-Visit to a winery
-Puffs - we love Puffs!
-Visit to the National Arboretum 
-Run around the track 

-Teething sucks - he's grumpy, irritable and kind of just unpleasant to be around. I hate seeing him like that and I hate feeling like I am not helping.

Motherhood is hard but damn, it is rewarding! When can I get baby #2?

Now... the most exciting 8 month update!

Seeing Gus (although Gus is still not a fan)
Going outside
Going for runs in the stroller
Playing with his piano toy
Any toys that light up
Crawling all over the house 

Being over tired
Being overly hungry
Being in his car seat

Same as before - although his sleep as gotten much better since the tooth finally popped through! He usually wakes up at around 4-5am after sleeping since 7pm.

He is weighing in at 20 lbs! He is so chunky and I am absolutely obsessed with his knee rolls! He loves to laugh and giggle and he really is just the happiest! He is still looking so much like Darius but I think he's the most beautiful boy I've ever laid my eyes on!

-Getting his first tooth!

-Time crawling
-Can sit up from any position 

Honestly, things have gotten really easy lately! Teething was challenging, and I know another tooth is right around the corner- but he really is an awesome baby!

I wish I had healed from postpartum depression sooner so I could look back and enjoy Lincoln as a newborn. Instead, I was miserable. And I don't have too many happy thoughts from that time because of that - and that just makes me sad.