
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

36 Weeks

I know I say it in all my recent posts, but I really can't believe that I am four weeks away from this beautiful baby!  I don't mean to get all sappy because that really isn't my style, but pregnancy is such an incredible thing.  It isn't always beautiful and most of the time you feel like total shit (despite the amazing golden weeks called the second trimester where you feel like that awesome butterfly Snapchat filter) but in the end - it's absolutely amazing what a woman's body is capable of.  If you know my personality well, you will know that majority of my moping and whining are in good taste.  I mean let's be real - throwing up for 16 God damn weeks sucks horribly and I will NEVER in a million butterfly Snapchat filter years miss that but it IS worth it when considering the prize at the end.

I had a doctors appointment yesterday where I SWORE I was told they would start exams to check for progress andddddddddd apparently I'm insane because they don't start checks until 38 weeks. THIRTY EIGHT?!!?!?!? I was hoping to give BIRTH by then!  By the way, I have predicted my delivery date.  For some reason August 28th sticks out to me.  There is no real reason other than I prefer even numbers and it would kill me if he came out on an odd number.  Like, I even struggle to remember Darius' birthday because I am convinced it should be even when really it's the 17th.
Did any of you predict your due date?  Were you right?

So, the school year is quickly approaching and I have no clue where summer went.  It was just yesterday I was hugging goodbye some coworkers moving on to bigger and better things and now here I am about to start another year.  I teach for Baltimore County so we have to go back on the 17th and school starts the 24th.  That is just one very nice week to set up our rooms and be prepared.  What I mean is, we attend a ton of meetings and have very little time in our rooms - most of which is done on our own time like staying at the school late into the night - and then we're supposed to be prepared.  It's an insanely stressful time filled with emptying your wallet on last minute things, feeling pressure from Pinterest inspired rooms and over analyzing the amount of pencils you have (which by the way are NEVER enough!).  I bought two packs of 40 count pre-sharpened pencils and I can GUARANTEE they'll be lost/missing/stolen by the end of the first week ... which by the way is only a three day week.  My hope is to set up my classroom, prep for the first week, get my sub ready (which by the way I DO NOT HAVE) and then peace out. I will return somewhere around Thanksgiving and basically start the year all over!

Today I lounged at my dad's pool with my brother and so I forced him to take this picture.
If you can zoom in, you can see my foot is literally about to POP.
I've tried everything to get rid of swelling and it just isn't possible!
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
By the way - it takes an INSANE amount of bravery to post a bathing suit pic at 9 months pregnant. JUST SAYING.

How far along? 36 weeks! 4 weeks left!
Maternity clothes? They're getting tight and I refuse to buy new clothes!
Stretch marks? Still the same, just a few light ones.
Best moment(s) this week: So pregnancy brain has kicked into high gear again so I can't really recall what happened this week but I do know hanging out at the pool was so nice.  You feel SO WEIGHTLESS in a pool and it's amazing!
Miss Anything? I want a nice frozen alcoholic beverage with an umbrella.
Food cravings: Ugh, so many sweet cravings!  But slurpees... oh man, they're awesome!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken and red sauce products.
Gender: BABY BOY!
Labor Signs: Just a lot of pressure.
Symptoms: Swelling in my hands and feet, exhaustion, winded easily, pelvic pressure is insane, too lazy to try to look cute, hungry a lot, tired because I can't sleep well anymore.

Wedding rings on or off? Off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ehh a mix.. I have VERY little patience for people and stupid shit at this point.  The other day at Target I was trying to return something I purchased online.  They kept scanning the barcode and saying "we don't sell this" and I'm like "umm okay I bought it here and this is the receipt and anything else isn't my problem!"  Five minutes later and a return line wrapped around the store, they give me a gift card.  I had resting bitch face the entire time.

By the way - does Red Raspberry Tea really work?! My doctor said I could start drinking it and since she said yes I am like overly anxious about it!  Now that someone said I can try to start labor, I don't want to!