So, since my last update A TON OF SHIT HAS HAPPENED. Let's begin:
1. We found out the gender - and baby Cross is a ... BOY! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT! I could have cared less what the baby was, I just wanted healthy, but it is pretty crazy seeing mama instincts thrown into action. Let's recap how this day went:
First- they make you wait until the end to determine what the gender is. #torture
Two- I had to drink a crap ton of apple juice in order to get little Mr. to move and switch positions
Three- an hour ultrasound results in having to pee at least three times.
Four- It is the most exciting, most beautiful appointment EVER. Getting to see so much in detail of our boy is just so, so cool!!!!
From week 20-23, everything has been going well. I did have a breakdown at one point because I stopped feeling him move around so much. I am just so happy we have our at home monitor. People thin I am crazy and I give no fucks about that. You go through a loss and have to wait four long weeks to just hear a heartbeat. No thanks. I'll get the monitor.
I've been feeling a lot better lately too. I am happy my appetite has kicked back in. But, there is NO eating for two here. Each time I make attempts to overeat or am just thinking I am so hungry, I end up puking. I actually think that I eat less now then I did before.
As of my appointment today, it has been confirmed that I am a suffer of.... sciatica. Ahhh.. if you are unsure what this is, hashtag yourself as #blessed. Let me explain this:
Your baby is growing which means your uterus is growing so your uterus is putting pressure on nerves especially a group of nerves called the sciatic nerve which runs through your butt and down your leg and yes it's so lovely when your uterus is putting pressure on that and it gives you throbbing pain in said butt cheek for however long it likes.
That, my friends, is sciatica. How to resolve this issue: MASSAGE. BRING. IT. ON.
Okay, so I am having a huge dilemma. I REALLY want to share the name of our boy publicly, but so many people are against it. And, there are so many August babies coming up and like none of them have shared their name and I'm trying to figure out if it's a competition thing - like who can hold out the longest - or maybe they're afraid someone will "steal" their name??? I don't know but I am looking for opinions on whether the name should be announced or not! Give me your opinion in the comments!
Also - Mother's Day was so beautiful. I honestly didn't expect to be recognized considering many believe you have to have the child in your physical hands for it to count. But, it was nice. Darius surprised me with the sweetest card ever - like I bawled crying. He had full intentions of celebrating the day with me, but I had plans with my mom. We went to lunch and then... AND THEN...
WE WENT BABY CLOTHES SHOPPING! IT WAS AWESOME! I have been waiting my entire life for this moment with my mom and it was so, so fun! We bought so many cute little outfits for all ages and I cannot wait to begin to wash and organize them! BRING ON THE OCD!
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24 Weeks - Barefoot and Pregnant. |
Now, for the "weekly" (since I suck) update:
How far along? 24 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yesssss... mostly all maxi dresses!Stretch marks? I'm just gonna keep using my lotion... no problems yet.
Sleep: So Darius bought me a snoogle (google it) and it has been amazing! Like, it's basically having a third person in bed that is strictly for snuggling. I love it so much. I sleep like a.... baby.
Best moment(s) this week: Mother's Day was pretty awesome :)
Miss Anything? As the weather becomes warmer (lol, jk, in Maryland it's like gonna snow soon) - I am craving more summery drinks. Darius has been making me awesome mocktails lately that have helped with cravings.
Movement: Officially moving regularly. I feel like we are on a schedule. Not much movement during the work day but then when I want to sleep he is awake and moving all over. A little movement early in the morning too.
Food cravings: I have been really into Cherry Coke recently. I probably have one every other day.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Basically- brushing my teeth.
Gender: BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: None!
Symptoms: Gagging when brushing teeth, cramps/stretching pain, growing belly, more sleepy than normal, horrible lower back/butt pain.
Belly Button in or out? In - but slowly becoming flat.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I would say happy. Nothing has really thrown me overboard yet. Wait, that's a lie. Yesterday I went grocery shopping at Wegman's and was CONVINCED - CON.VIN.CED. that I would finally have the bill UNDER $100. I literally bought like hot dogs and chicken. The bill was $148. WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL?!?! That like threw me over the edge. WHY?! Can't a girl LIVE?!
Looking forward to: Let's be honest.. I'm counting 27 (school) days until the end of the school year. #peace #byefelicia